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Author:  DiannaS [ 25 Jun 2017 15:27 ]
Post subject:  MISSED SEMINARS!

In this book a secret organization captures young owlets and takes them far away from their homes. There, they brain wash them using techniques close to torture. The majority remain there serving their masters’ purposes, the very few who manage to escape, form a group that wants to exterminate this society and stop their atrocities.
The book consists of a great amount of scientific information about the owls of all types and describes in accurate detail their behaviour and gives the reader the impression of being there in the middle of the action.
The action is direct, very dynamic and visual like the author was somehow attached to an owl and saw everything that happened and in the same time wrote the book.
My impression after reading this novel is very pleasant. Firsthand, I was captured by the action trying myself to find solutions like I was one of the owls there in the middle of the action and secondly I was really impressed by the accurate amount of scientific information that Lasky somehow incorporated into the action without making it boring or difficult to understand.
The novel would appeal very well to children but also foe adults.

The fragment I read talks about the evolution of corn as universal ingredient for all types of food and with all the diversity it is impressive how the food industry relies on one plant.
According to Pollan humans are worse than animals when it comes to food. Humans eat everything compared to animals that are more selective. Humans are easily to trick because we care more about the size, the more the better, not considering the necessity of all the food we buy. We pay more just to have a bigger bag of fries or a bigger can of soda, regardless the fact that we are the one who were tricked not the producer of soda.
The author challenges the readers to go into a supermarket and look around and imagine that they see corn everywhere.
This book somehow changed my opinion about food and I am really disappointed by the fact that all food producers just try to sell their products not thinking for a second about their clients.

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