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 Post subject: Missed Seminars
PostPosted: 14 Jan 2017 18:04 

Joined: 22 Nov 2016 21:02
Posts: 11
I will post here my ideas and notes on texts I read but I missed the seminars.

”NENNILLO AND NENNELLA”- the story is similar to ”Hansel and Gretel” and ”Snow White”, it starts with a short introduction probably these stories were told in front of a public like in front of the king or in front of king s children in order to entertain. The story follows the pattern of a story teller, its style is very elaborated contains many metaphors: ” Death having with the smooth file of Time, severed the prison- bars of his wife s soul” . Some words are written in capital letters especially those who denote natural phenomena like : ” night”, ”dawn” .
The language is simple and contains expressions. There are many connections with the Christian religion”but as Heaven always extents its arm over the innocent” ,”a large enchanted fish... opened his throat and swallowed her down”
The story contains drama and action. The children appear very mature and accept their fate.
The story ends with a moral, probably the role of the moral is to make people reflect upon their actions.

”THE TWO CAKES”- the story follows the same pattern as the previous one in every aspect. The narrative style is lyric and descriptive but it also contains dialogues. I find this story similar to ”Cinderella” .the moral at the end of the story aims to make people more kind with each other to share with those in need.

”CANNETELLA”- a moralizing story following the same pattern with a storyteller a short introduction metaphors very elaborated style aimed to make girls who want to get married to be nicer and less picky when they choose their husbands.

”THE THREE CITRONS”- this story moves a bit from the pattern in fact that the action happens on several continents the hero travels all over the world to find a wife. The interesting fact is that the places are real not imaginary this making the story more anchored to the reality of the times and more interesting for the audience. Another interesting item that appears is the mention of dollars probably in that time this was synonym for money. The moral of the story refers to revenge.

II. ”BLUEBEARD” BY CHARLES PERRAULT - is a very violent story with exotic elements like the color of the bear the fact that the man wears a bear was not usual that days, the story is also a moralizing story I would say that the moralizing element is a bit exaggerated, it is not normal to punish someone killing him/her , this fact probably indicates some Psychological complex Bluebeard had. The setting of the story is also relevant to the plot.The language used is not Old English which makes the story contemporary to those times and even more frightening. From the feminine point of view ,the story celebrates a women s courage to oppose to the patriarchal society and also makes a point that the power of words , quickness of thought can save ”a damsel in distress” (to say so) , when the physical power is lacking.

III. ”BEAUTY AND THE BEAST” BY JEANNE- MARIE LE PRINCE de BEAUMONT- from the very beginning the story gives power to women, there a shift from the traditional stories where girls just want to get married and that s it- end of story end of life. Beauty falls out from the cannon she likes to read, to travel and she in not afraid of the unknown .The author emphasizes her intelligence although the story begins with the description of the little girl and emphasizes how beautiful she was.The story indirectly emphasizes the individuality of women this being also a critique brought by Beaumont to the society of her times, it also claims that money and riches are useless to change a person but spiritual qualities can move the mountains.

IV. ”THE ROSE AND THE RING ” BY W. M. THACKERAY - a fairy tale more like a play with some elements that appeal to children but as a whole the story is mainly a satire through which Thackeray criticizes the fairy tales from those days. the first element that is not suitable for children is the fact that in the story contains much fighting - probably to justify the action of the story, then the horrors and the dramatic dialogues.
The innovation this story brings are: the detailed narratives, the descriptions are very visual like the reader is right in the middle in the action”(you cannot see her, for she happens to be behind that tree)”.
The chapters also function as a reminder of the action , the plot being so rich in characters and places, they helps the reader to keep the track of the action.
The fairy tale is similar to Gulliver’s Travels, it works on two levels the author makes fun of the fairy tale conventions using irony and burlesque to question the morals of the fairy tale. The plot is unified and the details are carefully brushed.
another interesting aspect the the author uses are the ridiculous and in the same time funny names for characters.

V. ”THE LIGHT PRINCESS” - BY GEORGE MacDONALD- on the surface the story is light for it tells a love story but at a closer look it is a mythic story full of symbolism and connection to all spheres of life from religion to love.
Colors used by the author are very bright white, blue.
The story connects with philosophy, psychology and medicine, this probably to question the new discoveries in medicine and criticizing the new medicine the alternative medicine. It also brings to the attention the new conditions of the XIX- Th century the neurotic problems.
The style is very subtle and delicate , it makes the reader constant questioning what is behind the words.


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