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 Post subject: Missed seminars
PostPosted: 14 Jan 2017 22:07 

Joined: 22 Nov 2016 21:02
Posts: 11

1.” THE BOX OF ROBBERS”- a very funny story having a strange magical element the robbers who were in a box and nothing else the rest of the story follows the plot of a typical bedtime story, probably there is this moralizing element: curiosity can bring troubles

2.”THE GLASS DOG” - is a story that describes the condition of artists the fact that they have no connection with the world around them they are misunderstood by the society they want to live in their world.

3. ”THE LAUGHING HIPPOPOTAMUS”- a story that transmits that even in the most unpleasant situation there is a way to escape.

4. ”THE CAPTURE OF FATHER TIME”- my favorite from all stories it has both the magical element and the moral element, probably aimed to learn children to be patient to learn that everything has its time - here I would say that the author took some elements from The Old Testament (from the writings of king Solomon in Ecclesiastes).

Style is very simple , language is easy to read and fluent suitable for children who can read.

VII.”THE ROOTABAGA STORIES”- BY CARL SANDBURG- a collection of fantastical stories exclusively dedicated to children probably aged between 4 and 7. The names , the places are meant to introduce the child into this atmosphere of fantastic .
The stories should be read aloud in order to be fully understood because they are very poetical they have humor ,rhythm tongue -twisted names that add to the fantastic element.

I read part 6: ”FOUR STORIES ABOUT DEAR, DEAR EYES” and as everyone who reads the title would think there is something about the eyes but there is not even a single word mentioning this part of the body.The names are from the most odd ones like : ”the blue wind boy”. Still, there is one story ”What the six...” where are introduced some elements that invite readers to meditate upon their meaning, have some depth in contrast to the lightness of balloons( there are six girls who have tied balloons to their hair).

VIII. ”HOW TO READ DONALD DUCK”- BY ARIEL DORFMAN- a critique both funny and serious about the series produced by Walt DISNEY. I appreciate the author who had the courage to see the other part of the shining coin , to reveal that in fact cartoons are not good for children they do not just entertain , or they are not just a satire brought to the society, they also have a huge teaching role, but not about the values and morals.


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