Is a satirical work of fiction, too long for a fairy tale (~ 125 pages) structured in 19 chapters each of them entitled. As we can see, there is no beginning formulas, not very much dialogue but narration. Action is set in the fictional countries of Paflagonia and Crim Tartary, the story revolves around four royal cousins (Angelica,Rosalba,Bulbo, Giglio). The story criticises the attitudes of the monarchy and those at the top of society and challanges their ideals of beauty and marriage. Princess Angelica has been considered the most beautiful and wisest girl in the kingdom. Giglio besotted with his cousin and give her a ring belonging to his mother, which unknown to them was gifted to her by a Fairy and which held the power to make the wearer beautiful to everyone who beheld them. Prince Bulbo in his turn posses a magic rose with the same power as the ring and coming from tha same Fairy. Angelica's maid is actually Rosalba, the only child of the king of Crim Tartary. A fairy tale proper element we have here - a disguising, Giglio is disguised by the Fairy Blackstick in a student in order to escape from the King Valoroso's execution. Thackeray playfully attacks various aspects of narrative fairy tale, most strongly the motif of common objects infused with magical power- a rose, a ring. Prince Giglio and princess Rosalba we can admit that they represent the usurpation of their thrones and in order to become a validated couple.