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 Post subject: The Hobbit - the ring
PostPosted: 15 Jun 2012 13:07 

Joined: 03 Jun 2012 19:52
Posts: 29
Discuss the symbolism of the ring in terms of the conjunction of the polarized. Name situations where the opposites coexist.

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012 17:34 

Joined: 04 Jun 2012 13:35
Posts: 9
If you look in an etymology dictionary the meaning of the ring is"place for prize fight and wrestling bouts" (early 14c.) that comes from the space in a circle of bystanders in which such contests were once held. Also means "combination of interested persons". Therefore Gollum's possession was not accidentally chosen. Bilbo and Gullum fight for this "precious". Both Gollum and Bilbo are two characters that show different sides of the world. Gollum lives an isolated life, in darkness and fear, while Bilbo has lives in a safety home surrounded by family. The ring here is like a circle of life that opens a large perspective of the world. You engage the world outside your hole (as Bilbo did), or you disengage from the world to retreat in the loneliness and darkness (as Gollum did). But the ring is a closed circle that offer an infinity of possibilities, it depends on what the possessor want to do with his life. Bilbo chose to get out of the caves and embrace the surface of world being reunited with his friends.

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