Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 American fantasy comedy film directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Jeffrey Price and Peter S. Seaman. The film combines live action and animation, and is based on Gary K. Wolf's novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?, which depicts a world in which cartoon characters interact directly with human beings.
In 1947, cartoon characters, commonly called "toons", are living beings who act out cartoons in the same way that human actors make live-action production. Toons interact freely with humans and live in Toontown, an area near Hollywood, California. R. K. Maroon is the human owner of Maroon Cartoon studios; Roger Rabbit is a fun-loving toon rabbit, one of Maroon's stars; Roger's wife Jessica Rabbit is a gorgeous toon woman; and Baby Herman is Roger's costar, a 50-year-old toon who looks like an infant. Marvin Acme is the practical joke-loving owner of Toontown and the Acme Corporation.
Source: Wikipedia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFCIaMyMORg Keywords: fantasy, comedy, cartoon characters + live action, detective